5 / 5 stars
151 reviews
Rhonda W.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Even on the days when I am not feeling too motivated -once I arrive and I am greeted by coach Chad-I quickly get motivated! He pushes me to be a better athlete:)

Jamie S.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is a great coach. She works with my strengths and weaknesses and we have fun (ish) in class lol

Nadine A.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Such a great environment for a beginner. Extremely helpful and encouraging!

Meckenzie S.
Sep 12, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Craig W.
Sep 11, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is always great! Very helpful with adjusting for my faulty parts

Sonya F.
Sep 11, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa was great. Very attentive and encouraging. Great energy in class. Felt like home 😀

Beth A.
Sep 11, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is well skilled in proper form and LOVE her motivation. She made me feel right at home.

Chris B.
Sep 11, 2024

I loved the class. I’ve been involved in some type of combative martial arts for over 40 years, I honestly liked the cross fit training as much or more. I can definitely see why people get addicted to it. Excellent coaching, great facility; what’s not to like?

Patrick S.
Sep 11, 2024
left a review for Robert Fields

Robert did an amazing job walking and talking us through the workout today. He was very positive and motivational

Brittney S.
Sep 11, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Marcie C.
Sep 11, 2024
left a review for Evan Palmer

Jessia S.
Sep 10, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

Great energy and instruction.

Shannon H.
Sep 10, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim was very encouraging. It was my first ever class and I was really nervous. She put me at ease.

Bethany S.
Sep 10, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

She was encouraging but not pushy and was helpful. The class was very welcoming and she was full of energy which was great because it was 615 am

James T.
Sep 9, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Amazing Kim takes the time to show you how to do the exercise the right way and then watches while you do it and gives Criticism so you’re doing it the right way to make sure you don’t hurt yourself love the workout. Can’t wait to have another one.

Terry C.
Sep 9, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

I love Teresa! She is amazing. So attentive and aware of each student, their needs, shortcomings, strengths. She knows exactly how to push us to our limits without going too far or putting us at any risk. She is very smart and is a talented cross fit coach.

Chuck L.
Sep 5, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Class was great as always.

Matthew B.
Sep 5, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Sheena W.
Sep 3, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Love Kim!! Always planning ahead based on the skill level for each individual in the class

Joey B.
Sep 3, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is wonderful! Always giving hints and pointers on how to be as successful as possible

Robbie M.
Sep 2, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Angel S.
Aug 31, 2024
left a review for Robert Fields

Robert is fantastic! He is a highly skilled athlete himself yet makes you feel comfortable exactly where you are on your fitness journey. He’s a great teacher and very encouraging during the workouts at exactly the moment you need that extra push to make it through!

Stephen S.
Aug 28, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Amazing 🤩

Amanda S.
Aug 26, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

I loved the workout today. Kim was right there to give me some one on one guidance and I PR’d all three lifts! Thanks Kim!!

Andrew S.
Aug 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

I saw the angels and they had horns

Nick S.
Aug 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is a great coach. She explains things well, goes over every movement and always asks for questions. During the warmup and the WOD she takes time with every person and can almost always find something to improve and something we do well. It a great balance.

Matt H.
Aug 19, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

We eased in to the warmup and the prep was very appropriate. I appreciate Kim leading us through mobility at the end of the session instead of just leaving early

Teresa N.
Aug 17, 2024
left a review for Robert Fields

Robert was clear and concise. He ensured we all had a game plan to tackle such a long workout so that we could all have success. He was encouraging and helpful during a hard WOD. well done!

Cleveland J.
Aug 16, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Always enjoy the 615 am class. The partner workout was perfect to kick off a Friday.

Courtney D.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

I always appreciate feedback. Thanks for the pointers on double unders!

Raejene R.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim always does an excellent job. She pays attention to everyone of her athletes. She talks to everyone of her athletes who comes to class. She is committed to her athletes and her job.

Ashley M.
Aug 7, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa motivated me to do more in weight when I wasn’t sure I could! Very encouraging and helpful!

Kim L.
Aug 7, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Can't go wrong on a heavy deadlift day! We had a good warm up. Lots of time to get ready and warm. Organized by an interval clock to kerp us moving and on time! Heard feedback and encouragement being given to each athlete.

Tricia M.
Aug 2, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Thank you for bringing 5am back.

Brian D.
Aug 1, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Michelle B.
Aug 1, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

This was my first session and Kim was my 1:1 coach. She was kind, uplifting and did a great job finding modified exercises that allowed me to challenge myself without crushing my spirit. Kim is awesome!

Linda W.
Jul 30, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Tonight was another great class by Kim. The squats were challenging with the weights but in a good way the cardio was great, very rewarding. Thank you Kim for your motivation and encouragement.

Jarrad T.
Jul 29, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

She was great! The class was great and kicked my butt!

Jane K.
Jul 29, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is determined to make each of us work to our potential. She pushes and encourages but is also cognizant of health restrictions! Love her as a coach.

Riley W.
Jul 26, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Tammy L.
Jul 26, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa was fantastic! So encouraging, positive and helpful! Kim was amazing too! Actually… Everyone in the class treated me like family and was so supportive. I appreciate that so much such a good first experience.

Matt M.
Jul 26, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Grace W.
Jul 24, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Even though it was a full class, Kim still made sure to check on each person to make sure they had a plan for the workout, and took time to speak to each person.

Heidi O.
Jul 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Coach T is absolutely motivating throughout the workout. She meets me where I am during each day and coaches in a way that allows me to formulate a plan for the workout and this assists with confidence building. She is a coach start to finish which is great because I absolutely need the gentle reminder of how important stretching is. I absolutely appreciate her!

Gayle H.
Jul 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

I think Teresa is the absolute best coach! She always encourages me. Helps me find workouts I can do. Always makes me feel like she’s glad to see me! Mostly she helps me get stronger and encourages me to return and keep going!

Jessica W.
Jul 24, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Sarah B.
Jul 23, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

She was really helpful, energetic, and motivating! It was a great class and I am excited for the next one.

Alexa M.
Jul 20, 2024
left a review for Robert Fields

Amazing, incredible, always encouraging, explains everything really well!

Toni P.
Jul 19, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Class was fun and upbeat. Well organized and moved logically. I love that you are encouraged no matter the skill level you are at that day. She knows everyone's name, knows their pain points and has a plan for them so that they get a great class. She is encouraging while still helping you push your own boundaries. This is my least fav movement today but you made it fun. Thank you

Chip H.
Jul 15, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

I don’t get a chance to come to torsion very often since moving away, but I always attempt to make it when back in town. The coaches are always top notch (Teresa was great today with perfect cues for the snatch workout) and the classmates are great.

Rick H.
Jul 12, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa coached a great class made me feel welcomed from the time I walked in. hit all the points of performance and provided some entertaining jokes, great encouragement.

Amie N.
Jul 11, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa’s the best! I haven’t been to the gym for a while and she was so welcoming when I got there!!!!!

Jamie H.
Jul 9, 2024
left a review for Andy Baer

Andy ensure he gives instruction and encouragement to all members.

Brady O.
Jul 9, 2024
left a review for Andy Baer

Andy always motivates me to do better, without over motivating me and pushing myself too far.

Jacob C.
Jul 8, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Class was amazing! Great full body workout and pushed me to do better in a respectful way. Will definitely be back tomorrow!

Cass R.
Jul 6, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Coach Robert has great suggestions for modifications that keep you challenged. He includes those recommendations in the WOD review, which is super helpful if you’re up in the air on modifying reps, weight, or both. He walks through the class and cheers everyone on, making sure we’re using our best form. Thank you Coach Robert!

Patrick H.
Jul 4, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Fantastic job! Great 4th of July class

Margaret W.
Jul 4, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim had an extremely full class today, but still managed to give each and every one of us Individual attention and help to get better at our fitness. Honestly, I can't tell you how much I appreciate Crossfit Torsion And the fact that we have the coaches we do. Kim t is so good helping me to adapt the workouts to my needs so I can continue to be the best version of me. She always meets me exactly where i'm at and pushes me to be better, and I wholeheartedly appreciate that.

Jessica A.
Jul 2, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is always encouraging me to push harder when she knows I'm capable of doing something. I couldn't ask for a better coach!

Michelle S.
Jul 1, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim goes above and beyond to ensure every athlete has the best experience at class. She is very thorough when explaining the workouts and makes sure every athlete has some form of an alternative workout based off their fitness level.

Amy G.
Jul 1, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is always welcoming and asks how I am feeling. She not only has modifications ready but asks me because she knows that I usually know my modifications too. Today on the rower we worked together to get it situated until it was just right and worked well as neither of us had ever set it up before. I’m very appreciative of her and her willingness to be kind and patient.

Evan P.
Jun 27, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Chad did a great job of keeping class moving even as an early morning class and making sure everyone was moving along to the right things at the right times!

Julie R.
Jun 27, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is awesome! She is very attentive, checking in with each and every athlete and always supportive! Kim definitely wants us to live our fittest life!

Paul G.
Jun 27, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is always a great coach/person during class. She always ask how you are feeling and what your plan is for the class and then she gives you her suggestions. Which is a great incentive. Love this box.

Sally B.
Jun 26, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim, you encourage me when I feel like giving in Nd give up . I always feel accomplished after your class. You acknowledged everyone in class and provide the encouragement each of us needs.

Audra W.
Jun 25, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

Coach Craig is top tier, empowers me and gives me that little extra bit of confidence every Tuesday at class. He takes his time before class starts to see how my day has gone, work stress and daily life plus the wear and tear on my body and how I’m feeling about the WOD.

Elizabeth E.
Jun 24, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

I enjoyed today’s class. Although the movements are not in my top five, they are skills I continue to improve on. I always enjoy Coach Kim’s classes. She is ALWAYS very informative and encouraging to everyone who take hers classes regardless of your level of fitness.

Katie H.
Jun 24, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

I can't say enough good things about Coach Kim! I love her classes and extensive knowledge. She is welcoming, motivating, and does an excellent job supporting every member in her classes.

Amanda B.
Jun 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni


Aaron S.
Jun 22, 2024
left a review for Robert Fields

Warm up was great, workout was rough, but coach rob kept pushing me. Great class!

Chris M.
Jun 20, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Chad is sbsolutely a ☆☆☆☆☆ Coach. His explanations of the workout are very presice. He demonstrates each movement Chad is sbsolutely a ☆☆☆☆☆ Coach. His explanations of the workout are very presice. He demonstrates each movement before expecting us to do the same. Every thing is explained in detail. Chad makes it a point to be encouraging yet mindful of our limitations. I really enjoy having Chad as a coach and nice friend!! expecting us to do the same. Every thing is explained in detail. Chad makes it a point to be encouraging yet mindful of our limitations. I really enjoy having Chad as a coach and nice friend!!

Rebekah S.
Jun 20, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Rebecca S.
Jun 20, 2024
left a review for Evan Palmer

Evan is a great coach - always gives encouragement and makes sure we are doing movements correctly to keep us from injury.

Jaymie R.
Jun 20, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim was great! She catered to each persons needs during class and made sure everyone was confident in their choices for the workout.

Ian H.
Jun 19, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kay H.
Jun 19, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Dennis F.
Jun 18, 2024
left a review for Andy Baer

Andy is great at catching faults in technical movements. It is most helpful when learning a new movement or getting better at lifts we have done before. He also is most helpful in strategy before a METCON. Getting the most out of the workout!!

Elizabeth L.
Jun 8, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Chad H.
Jun 4, 2024
left a review for Andy Baer

Explained what the goal of the day was and helped find appropriate scales for everyone so they could achieve it. Andy was very personable with everyone and did a great job managing the class timeline. I heard him encouraging everyone individually throughout the workout.

Bri E.
Jun 1, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Brandon C.
May 31, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Doug R.
May 31, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Kept to schedule, explained everything clearly, corrected form when needed, also comical as always.

Brad L.
May 27, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Coach Kim's guidance during the Memorial Day Murph event at CrossFit Torsion was nothing short of awe-inspiring. From the moment she stepped onto the gym floor, her energy was palpable, igniting a sense of determination and camaraderie among all participants. With her unwavering commitment to excellence, Coach Kim not only motivated us to push beyond our limits but also provided invaluable support every step of the way. Her coaching style seamlessly blended encouragement with strategic insights, ensuring that each athlete reached their fullest potential. Whether it was through her motivating words or her expert demonstrations of proper form and technique, Coach Kim instilled a sense of confidence in all of us, empowering us to conquer the grueling challenge ahead. But perhaps what truly set Coach Kim apart was her unwavering dedication to honoring the significance of the Memorial Day Murph event. As we tackled each rep, we were reminded of the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have served our country. Coach Kim's reverence for this occasion infused the atmosphere with a profound sense of purpose, transforming the workout into a meaningful tribute to our fallen heroes. In the end, Coach Kim's inspirational coaching transcended the physical realm, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. Her passion, expertise, and unwavering support propelled us to new heights, proving that with the right guidance, anything is possible. For those fortunate enough to have experienced Coach Kim's coaching during the Memorial Day Murph at CrossFit Torsion, it was not just a workout – it was a transformative journey of growth, resilience, and profound gratitude.

Stevan L.
May 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

I loved her motivation and personality! She made it fun, challenging, and kept pushing me to do better.

Pam Q.
May 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

I adore Teresa! She is full of energy, always makes me laugh and makes class so much fun. Always supportive and provides the best guidance for each workout.

Jack P.
May 23, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is the best coach I've ever seen she's always with you step by step so you can get your workout clean and barely painful I'd recommend Teresa as a coach for all people

Candy W.
May 23, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Molly L.
May 22, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Christina P.
May 22, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Being back with Teresa was awesome! She had always been mindful of any mods needed and after being out of the game for 2 years, she immediately knew I would need to start slow. Thanks for kicking my butt!

Joe C.
May 22, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

David M.
May 6, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Always a great class with coach T. Always helping to improve and push mechanically and mentally.

Ricardo S.
May 4, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

Coach Hunt, was great! Really tailored the workout to the capabilities of the members in the class. Broke down complex movements into more digestible sections until we were able to do the full exercise safety. Highly recommend his class.

Cathleen M.
Apr 30, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Great warm up got us ready for the workout. Appreciated the form reminders on the front rack lunges & letting me know how much time was left for each run segment so I could pick the right scaled distance.

Michelle M.
Apr 29, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

A wealth of information and beneficial advice. Always a good class. 😊

Jason W.
Apr 29, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa did great! I am just getting back into CrossFit after a long hiatus and she explained everything perfectly and made the class fun as well!

Heidi M.
Apr 25, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim did awesome! She explained the workout thoroughly and how/when to modify. I really enjoyed the workout!

Ashley K.
Apr 24, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Michael W.
Apr 23, 2024
left a review for Evan Palmer

First day back after extended absence. Was great and Evan was great to

Laurie K.
Apr 22, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa pushes me to work harder, to do what I’m capable of doing. She takes the time to explain the movements well and breaks everything down. She also points out where I could be improving in order to get better gains and improvements in the future. All movements are performed safely under her guidance.

Kori C.
Apr 19, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

We laughed, we cried, we barely walked out of there, but best of all we all got more fit!

Stephanie P.
Apr 15, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Always great with plenty of appropriate scaling options! Super fun and a great start to my day :)

Shelby M.
Apr 5, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa always pushes me to do my best, even when I don’t want to! She’s always there for me, in and out of the gym.

Cody G.
Apr 4, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Shannon K.
Mar 29, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

You can always count on Teresa to bring the energy to class & give the motivation needed to go a faster, lift heavier, and push harder 🙌

Alyssa W.
Mar 27, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Cheri H.
Mar 22, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

After being out of the gym for 4 months, my first day back was hard. However, coach Craig was there to encourage me the whole time. Thanks Craig!

Jayme H.
Mar 19, 2024
left a review for Andy Baer

(Breezy) B.
Mar 11, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is a fabulous coach, I am looking forward to hitting as many of her classes as I can!

Kyle C.
Mar 8, 2024

Mark B.
Mar 5, 2024
left a review for Evan Palmer

First time dropping it at CrossFit Torsion. It was awesome! Coach Evan was superb - made sure I felt welcome and also took the time to take note of any limitations prior to class starting. See y'all tomorrow!

Carlos V.
Mar 1, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

The workout was great and very intense! It’s nice to be back and have the opportunity to be part of this CrossFit community so, five stars for the coach Craig and for the athletes.

Patrick T.
Mar 1, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is fun, educated and extremely dedicated to making sure we succeed! Looking forward to my future classes!

Jami C.
Feb 29, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim was amazing, and I loved every minute of session. I didn’t think I would be able to do the CrossFit, but with proper instruction from Kim I surprised myself!

Genia W.
Feb 26, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

We ALWAYS have a well informed class with Teresa. She is on point with juggling the needs of everyone in class. She is tentative to time and helps us stay on task and we appreciate her style of coaching!

Maddie B.
Feb 20, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Bryon L.
Feb 16, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Great coach

Dona L.
Feb 15, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

She did great. Made me feel comfortable. Very knowledgeable.

Megan M.
Feb 12, 2024
left a review for Cristen Walker

enjoyed the workout. had a rough January amd it felt good to get back to the gym.

Matt S.
Feb 7, 2024
left a review for Cristen Walker

Very welcoming to the box, attentive to all athletes with form suggestions, scale options and great leadership during entire class. Greatly appreciate the coaching.

Carson C.
Feb 7, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

She was very helpful in a positive supportive way. And helped me improve my form dramatically. 10/10

Joshua M.
Feb 6, 2024
left a review for Cristen Walker

She really helped me get the most out of my workout, she explained how to improve my form, gave encouragement when I started to get it figured out, and made sure we got warmed up before and stretched out after our workout.

Nick R.
Feb 1, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

She is awesome!!! Makes it fun but is straight with you and won’t let you cheat yourself!!

Kari C.
Jan 29, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim did a nice job explaining and demoing all exercises. I liked today’s mix of strength and cardio.

Matt S.
Jan 26, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is always great. She motivates well without being militant. She's also personable and approachable

Logan H.
Jan 25, 2024
left a review for Scott Walker

I really appreciate Scott's coaching style. He does a good job explaining the different aspects of each movement. He knows how/when to push the athletes and when to focuson form. I even got a nice little PR on my rowing today! It's a great feeling! Thanks!

Holly C.
Jan 20, 2024
left a review for Chad Hunt

The class I attended was my very first CrossFit class. I was so nervous to go. He was so nice and explained everything. Gave me great tips. Everyone there made me feel so comfortable

Ronni B.
Jan 19, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim was AMAZING, like always. I absolutely love when she is coaching class because she is real with all of the athletes. She pays attention to everyone and knows what they are capable of. Even if they don’t feel confident when they walk through the door, they feel confident when they leave. Love, love, love Kim!! 💪💪❤️❤️

Jeff S.
Jan 19, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa is the beat coach ever

Jan 18, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim and the whole team was great! As someone who is just getting back into a work-out routine and has never tried CrossFit before, I was worried - but they accommodated me, made me feel comfortable and welcome!

Adam J.
Jan 15, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim was very welcoming and also a great coach for tonight’s first session. She has definitely left a great first impression and am looking forward to my next session with her.

Alivia C.
Jan 11, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim always make class so much fun even when the workout is killer. She's also super knowledgeable about proper form and has no problem correcting you if she sees you about to mess up. I love attending her classes!

Lauren T.
Jan 9, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim was awesome! My first time back into working out in years and she was so great!

Matt S.
Jan 5, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Awesome!! Thank you!

Jessica J.
Jan 4, 2024
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Mackenzie G.
Jan 3, 2024
left a review for Craig Black

Craig did a great job helping me scale the workout to my needs and keeping an eye on all the needs of the class. I appreciate his attentiveness and appreciate all the coaches meeting us where we are at and ensuring a great work out.

Craig B.
Jan 2, 2024
left a review for Kim Labora

Class started and ended on time. Coach Kim kept us moving, no dead time.

Jordan M.
Dec 29, 2023
left a review for Craig Black

Great coaching. Great person to talk to. Always enjoy being in town & seeing Craig. Supported Benaiah doing his little workout. Great experience.

Kevin M.
Dec 29, 2023
left a review for Craig Black

Very engaged and present coaching. Good feedback and ran the class timely.

Sara A.
Dec 27, 2023
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Teresa worked with me to adapt the workout to protect an injury but still insured I got the full benefit of the exercises. She gave feedback and support that was greatly appreciated.

Clayton C.
Dec 27, 2023
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Dawn M.
Dec 27, 2023
left a review for Teresa Novotni

Great coach. She knows your name, takes time to give feedback, and motivates you

Seth W.
Dec 27, 2023
left a review for Chad Hunt

Dropped in and Chad was great. Spent a lot of time on instruction during warm up and deadlifts. Will for sure be coming back and one of the better gyms I have dropped in to

Laura T.
Dec 26, 2023
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim always explains movements throughly, and makes sure you are doing them safely.

Zabrina S.
Dec 26, 2023
left a review for Kim Labora

Kim is an awesome coach! She's very attentive and helpful when it comes to proper form. She explains the process of each workout and demonstrates how to do it correctly.

Kyle R.
Dec 26, 2023
left a review for Cristen Walker

Great coach as always!

Chaz H.
Dec 22, 2023
left a review for Chad Hunt

Chad pays attention to the people in his class at an individual level, he makes sure we are seen.

Mckayla M.
Dec 20, 2023
left a review for Kim Labora

Grateful for you showing me exactly what to do and helping me improve and get fit.

Sandy P.
Dec 20, 2023
left a review for Kim Labora

I enjoy Kim’s coaching method. She ensures all participants know each aspect of the WOD and shows modifications for less experienced people. She encourages you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and makes corrections to your form/technique as needed. She is engaging and supportive.

Kimberly W.
Dec 20, 2023
left a review for Teresa Novotni

She is great. She pushes you to your fullest potential!

Bryan B.
Dec 20, 2023
left a review for Evan Palmer

Evan is a great coach. Explains things very well and throughly. Keeps us moving the whole class.

Beth S.
Dec 19, 2023
left a review for Cristen Walker

Cristen is very good at what she does!! Thank you for our talk I needed that..❤️❤️