5 / 5 stars
77 reviews
Marco P.
Sep 16, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Joe is a fantastic coach! He gives clear instructions verbally, following up with helpful demonstrations. Joe is knowledgeable about crossfit techniques. He is very much in touch with each individual's strengths and weaknesses and provides appropriate movement options accordingly. There are a wide range of ages and skill levels in the class that I attend regularly. Joe still is able to give each member the attention needed to successfully carry out a beneficial workout. The high quality of coaching is one of the things that I love about Cross Fit Spring Hill, and Joe is a shining example of coaching expertise!

Sep 16, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Coach Joe always does a great job instructing the movements of the workout...(even thought I beat him in a DL one time.)

Paul G.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Emily R.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Great class! Joe is always coaching, helping us with technique and encouraging us to push through physical and mental barriers. After class I usually walk out of there tired and sweaty, but feeling proud and uplifted. It’s honestly the bright spot of my day! Thanks!

Noelle F.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Deanna P.
Sep 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Joe does a great job at efficiently breaking down the mechanics of the movement in useful detail and I always appreciate the consistent intentionality of creating a positive gym culture !

Mike M.
Sep 10, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

We had dual coaching this morning! We got two coaches for the price of one🤗. Ashely and Joe are both awesome coaches they help you understand the mechanics of the movements and help make it scalable.

Manoj K.
Sep 10, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Nicole is always encouraging and pushing us to improve ourselves while also focusing on any injuries we have. She’s always there to correct the form or provide tips to improve our posture and form.

Ryan G.
Sep 9, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ is a great instructor. Going into the workout I had no questions on the movements or scaling due to her thorough instructions. She monitors you during the workout to make sure you are reaching your full potential for movement range and weight.

Leticia E.
Aug 27, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

It was a great experience. I felt confident doing the exercises because she knew how to guide me perfectly. very attentive and kind.

Lane R.
Aug 26, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Awesome class!! Love the coaching and encouragement!!

Donna H.
Aug 23, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Brandon K.
Aug 23, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Always just a fun environment and great people around you!

Rachel P.
Aug 20, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ is a great coach, she always takes the time help any of us modify the movements if needed and she makes sure we all take the time to cool down and stretch afterwards!

Sara H.
Aug 19, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Benjamin R.
Aug 16, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Cj was fantastic! She gave super clear instructions and made the class approachable for a first-timer. She was super attentive to the guests taking their first class but never made it feel like we were being hovered over. I will definitely be coming back!

Kyle B.
Aug 16, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Kimberly C.
Aug 15, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo


Ali T.
Aug 15, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Cj did great! She’s great at explaining all skill levels!! I also appreciate seeing CJ check in with people who are scaling to make sure they know what they’re doing!

Vaithianathan A.
Aug 15, 2024
left a review for Brian Riddle

Thanks Brian for all what you do for my physical fitness and health.

Nicolas B.
Aug 14, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Strives to make everyone enjoy their workout while testing themselves

John G.
Aug 14, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ did great- as usual. She always just smiles at me when I am unnecessarily chatting away with others during the warm up and never tells me to stop complaining about what hurts….. and a lot hurts!

Isaac C.
Aug 14, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ is a top tier instructor. Knowing when to push, and then knowing when to encourage, a very rare but desirable coaching skill. Looking forward to the next class!

Sarah W.
Aug 14, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Cj is always so encouraging and that makes a world of difference for me at 5am! She coaches with a smile and makes all feel welcome.

Zach P.
Aug 14, 2024
left a review for Ashley Albano

Stewart F.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Great class as always! Fitness achieved!

Nicole P.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Brian Riddle

Brian always does a great job explaining movements and focusing on good body mechanics.

Mark L.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Brian Riddle

Tone S.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Brian Riddle

Brian is a knowledgable and great coach. I'm always happy to be in his class.

Keith B.
Aug 13, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Nicole brings the energy and expertise to every class she coaches!

Shawn D.
Aug 12, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Class was great. You always do a great job of pushing us. Thanks!

Tyler C.
Aug 12, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Kayla J.
Aug 12, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Desiree B.
Aug 12, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Really tried focusing on form. I thought I had it but Joe was able to teach me the right way without making me feel like I’m just not measuring up. It was hard but it was a good hard

Jason N.
Aug 12, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Clear instruction and constant encouragement to hit the goal for the day.

Derron S.
Aug 10, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Luke T.
Aug 10, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Allie O.
Aug 9, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

I watched Joe coach several members through tweaking their posture in order to lift safely. When I had a question, he was deep enough in his response that I learned the “why” not just the “how”. He was also encouraging when I couldn’t complete a movement but gave it my all. Great coach! Great gym!

Jake L.
Aug 9, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Love the coaching, love the personal cues.

Michelle F.
Jul 29, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

My first class was great. I can definitely say I felt welcomed and love the encouragement from everyone. Attending the introduction classes did prepare me for class. I also appreciated the modified workout.

Susan G.
Jul 11, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Jake S.
Jul 10, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ was great. Knowledgeable and attentive. Friendly group. Glad I was. There.

Rachelle H.
Jul 9, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Super thankful for the way Nicole walked me through my workout and provided modifications for certain exercises. She was encouraging and supportive which is what helped me push through the HARD of the workout.

Karis J.
Jul 5, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Had such a good first class! I always appreciate it when time is dedicated to understanding good form.

Mylinda V.
Jun 25, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Joe and CJ are good coaches for all levels of skill in CrossFit. They are patient but also very detailed in form and substance to prevent injuries. It is a great gym and very “family friendly”. Great members and a great place to join.

Marcus H.
Jun 15, 2024
left a review for Brian Riddle

Joseph G.
Jun 14, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

This is an awesome fitness option for all skill levels. They make sure you’re comfortable with all movements and techniques. This is a no judgment place for all people.

Joe P.
Jun 13, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Cj does an excellent job making sure every member is given attention and individualized workout options for their level so we feel welcomed and confident. She also always makes the class fun so that we look forward to the next one!

Nate M.
Jun 12, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Michelle M.
Jun 4, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Nicole did an awesome job today! I appreciate her walking around checking on all our forms before our actual work out begins! This helps tremendously!

Ellen R.
Jun 3, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

It was my first time at the gym, I was super nervous especially since I’m not at my usual place. Everyone was so great! The coach was awesome, and the workout rocked! I’m excited to spend the month at this CrossFit!

Amanda W.
May 30, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

It was a great class. I pushed myself with an heavier wall ball weight with my DU and when I needed encouragement CJ was there.

Hannah S.
May 27, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Jason L.
May 27, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Joe was great! I did the Murph for Memorial Day with a friend and had never done one before. I did some mental prep before and found a YouTube video that Joe had actually made just a couple days prior. Great advice. Came ready. He got to me to ensure form was good even though there were a lot of people there. And the whole thing was very well organized. Last bit is that all of the regulars clearly knew what they were doing and killed it through that challenge, which is a tough one. Great group.

Chris H.
May 22, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Amber S.
May 21, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Jason C.
May 20, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Matt B.
May 18, 2024
left a review for Brittané Dodwell

Jacob M.
May 17, 2024
left a review for Ashley Albano

Jon B.
May 17, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Pros: -Efficient time management for the flow of class. -Good at coaching individuals during large class warmups. Spotting technique flaws in a large class isn’t always easy and it’s even harder to coach corrections when there are so many. You do a great job of balancing. Con’s: -Possibly better music. My music is the right music, I won’t hear otherwise.

Jared R.
May 16, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Nate S.
May 15, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Kevin W.
May 15, 2024
left a review for Ashley Albano

Raj M.
May 15, 2024
left a review for Austin Cooper

Austin is fun. He makes it a relaxed environment even during heavy workout. I have issues with squats due to knee issues and he modified the workout just right for me have a good lift day.

Ella K.
May 14, 2024
left a review for Austin Cooper

Candice B.
May 13, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Nicole is always Awesome! She is thorough with explain the workout and also very motivating.

Dwight J.
May 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Let me tell you about Joe, he is indeed a 5⭐️ coach. He holds me accountable and checks in on me as I am just beginning my CrossFit journey. Every class he breaks down the workouts to help us grow and understand techniques. And he keeps you motivated throughout the workouts.

Chris B.
May 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Joe did great, always helpful. He was excited about the bird finally flying out!

Ken T.
May 13, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Kristopher P.
May 11, 2024
left a review for Nicole Poirier

Pump sesh was a great way to focus on specific movements and specific muscles. Learned a lot and the coaches were engaging which makes makes everything so fun! Thanks Coaches Nicole and Jon!

Vincent F.
May 11, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Classes are always great. Defiantly happier after class after you finish what look hard. All the coaches are very helpful. I just try to get more grit. That one trait you can never have too much of! No one ever says he a jerk because he has too much grit.

Marah W.
May 11, 2024
left a review for Joe Pangallo

Very thankful for the expertise of our coaches! Started CFSH 2.5 years ago and have had much growth. I’m now re-learning my limits after giving birth, and coaches like Joe and his advice today make every day in the gym worth it.

Kylie S.
May 11, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ did a wonderful job guiding me through my setup and adjustment of weights which allowed me to successfully complete the workout.

Christie S.
May 10, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ did a great job teaching class. She gives clear instructions, motivation and she is so helpful with the scaling options.

Brent W.
May 10, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Mariya K.
May 10, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

Brittany D.
May 10, 2024
left a review for Cj Pangallo

CJ always explains the workouts and corrects us on technique to make sure we don’t get hurt. She is a great coach!